Anderson got his start working with Schecter in the late 70s and throughout the mid-80s. Baritone Horns, Euphoniums, and Alto HornsTom Anderson guitars are the most respected instruments in the electric guitar world. The Even-Taper is offered in two nut widths: 1 11/16 -inch.

A little chunkier, which I like. Well that was it! Neck is incredibly comfortable (arguably more than my MIA Strat to me. I decided to give it a try. Noticing the cheap price ($259) and the fact is says Squire on the headstock, I thought: « Meh! ».But it looked so good and all components seemed to be of good quality.
I couldn’t get this grin off my face.Long story short, it replaced my Strat on my bedroom guitar stand and I can’t put it down!This level of quality, playability and value at that price is unmatched!I bought this as more of a wall decoration. IV and couldn’t believe how good it sounded. I plugged into a Fender Blues Jr. I a/b’d it with Its MIM Player Series counterpart and couldn’t believe how much more confortable I felt playing the Squire.I then thought: well the pick-ups are probably garbage at that price.
The neck is smooth and fast, the bridge pickup rocks the casbah, it looks amazing.I’ve been disappointed numerous times playing higher end guitars.The cost versus performance ratio is not there at all.Honestly, this is an outstanding value, if you can get past the “Squier” on the headstock. Everything else about this guitar is fantastic. Neck pickup is muddy, and for my ears, useless. It was perfectly in tune when I started playing again.Tuners stick but maintain tuning. I ended cutting my left ring finger right on the worst spot for a guitar player and ended up not touching it for three weeks. I’ve owned very expensive guitars in the past including a Les Paul Custom and Tom Anderson T but I live in a shady part of town and never felt comfortable owning them.I originally bought this, stretched the strings, tuned it, and played it for 3 minutes before hanging it on the wall.
This is the guitar that I first played chords and simple solos with. The grain, the clear blonde, the light pearly maple color of the neck.the gold not black decal.(different than pictured).all beautiful to me. Cheers!!Bought this guitar before the Canadian dollar sank to raise the price and am deeply moved when I just catch the look of it out of the corner of my eye.
Tom Anderson Guitars Short Telecaster Cracked Plate Which
Neck pickup was actually pretty nice with a bit of tone rolled off. So, its all music, all tele and I love it because it sounds great.My ratings take into considerations the price. Otherwise I learned how to file the burrs from the fret ends, and raise the pups which perfected the action to improve clarity and volume of sound.all normal procedures.Only 4.5 because of the cracked plate which actually may have been caused by an extreme hot to cold to hot temperature change this spring. Is that the jack plate assembly cracked and popped out so I'll get a pro to fix it.I play it as is.no problem.a very inexpensive part. I experience it as a very responsive instrument.The only neg.
I figured the american body and electronics would have been much better.wrong. I liked it so much I thought I would try another, so I bought a used mexican neck and a USA standard body with electronics, added some locking tuners, and to be honest it is collecting dust. Which is quite bright to start with.With a bit of filing on the fret edges and a DIY set up (easy to do yourself.just check the internet and youtube as to how to set up a guitar)the guitar was then playing really nicely.(almost as nicely as my USA G&L)The neck of course is not as stiff as the G&L, but plays very nicely.I replaced the pots, wiring and switch with quality american pieces ( cheap when ordered together) and then replace the pickups with Bill Lawrence pups which have great sound and are very reasonably priced.My entire investment was under $300 and now it is a very nice playing and good sounding guitar.
I may have been lucky to have a well cut nut, but I have no problems with the stock tuners.Overall, this is just an awesome tele, (even stock) for someone who wants to get their feet wet playing a tele.